Saturday, 2 July 2016

Rihanna Causes A Disturbia In Manchester With Loud Old Trafford Concert.

On Wednesday night (June 29) Rihanna played Manchester’s Old Trafford stadium as part of her ‘Anti’ tour. But it seems you didn't need a ticket to enjoy the gig, as residents from up to 10 miles away took to Twitter to complain about the noise coming from the stadium.
One resident wrote: ‘@rihanna your awful concert disturbed most of Manchester tonight. Not all of us want to be kept awake by the noise you create. #Nuisance!’ Another said: ‘@rihanna needs to get an ASBO for the noise she's caused in Manchester tonight.’
Resident Jeannette Davidson even
called local paper the Manchester Evening News to complain: “The noise is ridiculous. We are miles away and can still hear the whole thing. The windows are closed too and it’s still coming through into the house,” she said.
But according to the Manchester Evening News, the show was within noise limits. Bosses at Old Trafford told the newspaper they only received only a ‘small number’ of complaints about noise. They added that the sound, which was monitored before and during the concert, was compliant with the acceptable levels set out by Trafford Council under the terms of its licence.
But while some residents were left unhappy, Rihanna did bring a smile to fans who were waiting in the rain before the show. The singer ordered 20 boxes of pizza which were given out to waiting fans along with towels to dry themselves off.

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